Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to save fuel

As all of us know, fuel prices are going up and down. I remembered last year around June, the crude oil price was around $140USD. It has been reduced to somewhere around $40USD. Anyway the price will go up in near future. There are few alternatives that we can do instead of worrying and looking into crude oil price.

1. Stop Driving – for those who have been thinking like it’s crazy and crude oil price goes somewhere and will not able to afford the cost, stop driving your car or bike. Try on walking, cycling or hoping on bus for short trips.
2. Pooling method – for those who feel we can accommodate others in our vehicle, try to use pooling method. I mean the car/bike pooling. So that you can share the fuel expenses.
3. Change the way of Driving – it is possibly the immediate option that we can adjust. I hope, you can improve the fuel economy by adjusting your driving habit.

Here are some tips on what we can do to change the driving habits and how we can save fuel.
  • Follow the recommended maintenance: It is very important to follow your vehicle manufacturers recommended maintenance or servicing advice. It is not only increases your vehicle’s performance, but it will improve your fuel economy as well
  • Drive smoothly: Aggressive driving will use as much as more fuel than what actually requires. The minimum of heavy braking and accelerator, the more you save fuel. Try to avoid rush driving. Take some extra time to reach the destination with smooth driving and steady manner. This helps you to save fuel as well as to reach your destination safely.
  • Use highest gear: Lowest gear gives you greatest power but result in more fuel consumption. So try drive at the highest gear when you are at steady speed to improve your fuel economy.
  • Avoid excess idling: When a vehicle is on idle state, it is consuming some fuel. Turning engine off during the idle state helps you to save the extra burning fuel. If you are waiting in traffic signal or waiting to pick up some one, it is more efficient to switch off the engine.
  • Avoid excess pressure on tires: The excess pressure on tires increases the vehicles weight which directly associates with fuel consumption. So maintain appropriate tire pressure as recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer.
These tips are not only helps you to save fuel and money, but also the earth. Enjoy Riding!

If you have any more points on how to save fuel, feel free to leave it on comments section which directly helps the readers.

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